Someone asked me this evening, not unkindly, how I know you're proud of me...and the answer slipped out easily, as easily as my own name or a weary sigh at the close of the day. With some answers, you don't have to think - you just know.
"Because she told me so. All the time."
Will you forgive me for using the past tense? I had to, although it feels wrong; people give me strange looks when I use the present tense. Won't you just come back? This is so complicated; I've never had to think about my verb tenses before.
"Because she told me so. All the time."
Will you forgive me for using the past tense? I had to, although it feels wrong; people give me strange looks when I use the present tense. Won't you just come back? This is so complicated; I've never had to think about my verb tenses before.