Dec 14, 2012

Because I found these as I was packing

It caught me off-guard, this little postcard.  I was holding a pair of pants, mid-fold...and had to stop and remember.
I bought this for you at Clonmacnoise, a monastery I saw on my trip to Dublin.  It's a Celtic cross; there are lots of them here, especially at the monasteries.  You'd appreciate the way the stories have all been carved that anyone might see and understand.

After the trip, I tucked your postcard away, resolving to write the letter later so I could give it the proper attention.  I had the words already, though...words about Galway and being this far from Mum and my friends here and what I've learned to cook and med school classes and how I miss you, I miss you.

I was going to send it.  Would that still be appropriate?

And this...I found this, too, in the pocket of a handbag I hardly used.  It's helped my headaches, this green oil.  I remember that you always kept a vial in your change purse.  Do you know I still won't let Mum tell me what it is, or where you buy it?

Someone has to preserve the magic.

My check-in bag - just under the 23-kg limit.  Whew.
In a fit of impatience, I moved it all to the common room this morning.  I'm ready.

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