Some of you have only had time to pop in here occasionally. And some of you have been walking with me since August. Still others among you fall somewhere in-between. But no matter where you land on this spectrum, I'm grateful to you. Thank you.
When I began this blog, I did so with modest expectations and an admittedly chirpy intro. (For goodness' sake, I used footnotes.)
As the months passed, I was continually surprised by how many of you were following me. As I had expected, this space became a helpful place for me to process all that I was experiencing, especially after the end of October. (Also, I scrapped the footnotes.)
Today, I write in an attempt to close this chapter with some grace. A few friends in Galway have actually asked if I plan to continue the blog, because - imagine this - they like my writing. I have toyed with the idea. It might be a good way, after all, to keep them in the loop. And writing is one of the best ways that I process.